This site contains an English translation of every advisory report by the CAVV. Please subscribe if you want to receive a notification of the latest documents.
49 publications
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34. The Protection of the Atmosphere
In this advisory report the CAVV discusses the International Law Commission’s Draft Guidelines on the protection of the ...
33. Provisional Application of Treaties
In this advisory report the CAVV issues recommendations on the International Law Commission’s Draft Guide to Provisional ...
32. Crimes Against Humanity
This advisory report examines the International Law Commission’s draft articles on crimes against humanity. In it, the CAVV ...
31. The Aspirations for Independence by the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq
This advisory letter is intended to identify the relevant legal standards and principles and to use them to outline the ...
30. Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in relation to the Interpretation of Treaties
This report features the CAVV’s advice on the draft conclusions of the International Law Commission (ILC) on subsequent ...
29. The Identification of Customary International Law
In this report the CAVV provides advice on the draft conclusions of the International Law Commission (ILC) on the identification ...
28. The Use of the Term 'Genocide' by Politicians
In this advisory report the CAVV and the External Adviser on Public International Law (EVA) discuss the scope for and the ...
27. Responsibility of International Organisations
This advisory report discusses the relationship between immunity and (individual) legal protection in regard to international ...
26. Autonomous Weapon Systems: The Need for Meaningful Human Control
In this report the CAVV and the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) argue that the use of autonomous weapons must ...
25. Humanitarian Assistance
This report explores the international legal framework governing access and facilitation of humanitarian assistance during ...