Commemoration of First Hague Peace Conference of 1899
In 1999, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First Hague Peace Conference, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation arranged several seminars in The Hague and St. Petersburg.
These events dealt with themes such as:
- the peaceful settlement of international disputes;
- international humanitarian law and the laws of war;
- disarmament issues.
Preliminary reports
On the basis of these themes, preliminary reports were written by Francisco Orrego Vicuña and Christopher Pinto (the peaceful settlement of international disputes), Christopher Greenwood (international humanitarian law and the laws of war), and Hans Bix (disarmament issues).

These preliminary reports analysed developments in the relevant areas of international law and identified any gaps and possible steps to be taken. These could then be discussed during the seminars.
The CAVV produced advisory reports on these preliminary reports at the request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to be used as Dutch input for these discussions.
1. International Humanitarian Law and the Laws of War
In this advisory report the CAVV provides comments on the preliminary report entitled 'International Humanitarian Law and the ...
2. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
In this advisory report the CAVV provides comments on the preliminary report entitled 'The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: ...
3. Disarmament and Arms Control
In this advisory report the CAVV provides comments on the preliminary report entitled ‘The Development of International Law ...